A Special Teacher

This is for my son’s Kindergarten teacher. Just to say Thanks for being a great teacher!

She truly is awesome!

Got this idea from Christine Miller’s blog

I loved the color combo and made a few changes to make it my own.

SU Stamps – First Day & Outlined For Fun

Father’s Day

Made these for my Dad & father-in-law for Father’s Day. They both got a kick out of them. I got the idea from surfing the net. Unfortunately, I can’t remember where 😦

Can you tell I was feeling a little cheeky? 😛

SU Punches:

Head & Hair- 1¼ Circle

Body & Trunks – Large Oval

Legs – Word Window

Arms – Heart to Heart

Glasses – Scallop Edge

Birthday Presents

Made this for my Mom’s Birthday back in June. I’ve been in a bit of a crafting funk which explains my lack of posting, but I think it’s slowly coming back 🙂

SU Stamps – Happy Moments